Increasing guidance and counseling teacher capacity in disaster preparedness through psychosocial training


  • Irvan Budhi Handaka
  • Wahyu Nanda Eka Saputra Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Zela Septikasari
  • Siti Muyana
  • Muya Barida
  • Amien Wahyudi
  • Agungbudiprabowo
  • Dian Ari Widyastuti
  • Amirul Ikhsan
  • Ficky A. Kurniawan



Psycosocial, Preparedness, Disaster, Training, teacher


The aims of research are (1) Knowing the implementation of Psychosocial Support Services training, (2) Obstacles in the implementation of Psychosocial Support Services training, and (3) Knowing the benefits of Psychosocial Support Services training. This study is a piece of qualitative research,  to describe and analyses social phenomenon of psychosocial training for guidance and counseling teacher Junior High School in Yogyakarta City. Primary subjects in this study were 20 participants of psychosocial training and facilitator of training. Data collection was done by in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The data analysis procedure in this research is (1) data reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion. Data validity is done by triangulation of source and method triangulation. The training is carried out in three stages: Pre-training Stage, Training Stage, and Evaluation Stage. Obstacles in implementing psychosocial training include: (1) Training cannot be carried out optimally because the training is carried out online, (2) Limited time for training, (3) Some teachers are not active in psychosocial training because the media at zoom meetings is very limited. To maximize the training, the facilitator further guides the participants in the WhatsApp Group and assignments are carried out through the google document application so that teachers can easily access them directly. The increase in the psychosocial knowledge of Guidance and Counseling Teachers after training is evidenced by the increase in post-test scores. Cooperation of various parties with school residents is needed so that psychosocial preparedness can be applied to pre-disaster, emergency response, and post-disaster.


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How to Cite

Handaka, I. B. ., Saputra, W. N. E., Septikasari, Z., Muyana, S. ., Barida, M., Wahyudi, A. ., Agungbudiprabowo, Widyastuti, D. A., Ikhsan, A., & Kurniawan, . F. A. . (2022). Increasing guidance and counseling teacher capacity in disaster preparedness through psychosocial training. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(1), 242–248.




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