Extending Indonesian government policy for E-learning and social media usage
Indonesia Government Policy, distance learning, e-learning, adopted social mediaAbstract
The impact of the coronavirus (covid-19) is extensive and has become a global health problem. Student interactions with teachers are carried out face-to-face in the classroom, especially in schools. However, now teachers are required to be able to teach from home through online learning, although with limited distance learning tools and facilities, this is supported by the Indonesian government policy, namely learning directly from home or learning from home. The study aims to prove the effectiveness of the Indonesian government policy of teaching from home to teacher competence in the use of e-learning and social media. The research method utilizes a quantitative approach with SEM statistical analysis with smart pls. There were 198 participants from elementary school teachers in East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. The results of this study are that government policy has a significant influence on the competence in mastering e-learning of teachers, and this policy also has a positive effect on the competence of teachers' use of social media.
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