The Effect of Servant Leadership, Work Ethics, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitment on Teacher Performance in State Vocational High School in Denpasar City
Servant Leadership, Work Ethics, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment to Teacher Performance.Abstract
This study aims to examine the influence of servant leadership, work ethic, organizational culture, and organizational commitment on teacher performance at SMK Negeri in Denpasar. This quantitative research was carried out on teachers at State Vocational Schools in Denpasar City using random sampling with the data collection process through a questionnaire online google form which involved 181 samples from 258 populations. Based on the Krejcie and Morgan formula then corrected using the Warwickh and Lininger formula. Data were analyzed using techniques Structural Equation Modeling and Partial Least Squares (SEM PLS). The results of the study show that servant leadership, work ethic, organizational culture, and organizational commitment have a positive and significant influence on teacher performance. In addition, organizational commitment can indirectly mediate the influence of servant leadership, work ethic, and organizational culture on teacher performance. The results of this study can be used as input for school management in improving teacher performance through the development of servant leadership, work ethic, organizational culture, and organizational commitment.
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