Identification of Prospective Teacher Students Conception of Learning: A Comparative Study
Conception of learning, prospective teaher students, reproductive profile, constructive profileAbstract
The conception of learning is a psychological construct that is very influences learning outcomes. Therefore, many researchers have explored the concept of learning, especially in higher education. This study aims to identify and explain the learning conceptions of prospective teacher students based on differences in majors. A total of 136 voluntary respondents were taken randomly from four majors, namely veterinary education (54 students), biology education (38 students), educational technology (26 students), and educational administration (18 students). The instrument used to measure students' conceptions of learning was adapted from the conception of learning science (CoLS) developed by Lee et al. (2008). The data were analyzed descriptively and multivariately using SPSS 22 for windows at a significance of 5%. Veterinary education students tend to have mixed conceptions of learning (reproductive and constructive), and biology education and educational technology students tend to have constructive learning conceptions. In contrast, educational administration students tend to be quantitative or reproductive profiles. Our participants' conceptions of learning from different majors did not show a significant difference. In other words, in general, the difference in majors has no effect on our participants' learning conceptions. The implications of these results they are briefly described in the conclusions, limitations and recommendations.
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