Before the pandemic and its impact to the future" about IoT and the transformation of children's social education


  • Pance Mariati Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
  • Sukron Djazilan
  • Nafiah Nafiah
  • Sri Hartatik



before pandemic and future, Internet of Thing (IoT), transformation of children’s social education


This research invites us to analyze how IoT through social media is transformed as an educational medium for social interaction for children during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study also identifies how parents, teachers, and children perceive social interactions before and after the pandemic. This research method uses embedded mixed methods by utilizing a qualitative approach through virtual ethnography and borrowing a questionnaire to complement the qualitative data. The survey of responses in this study was obtained from 100 parents and children who carried out learning activities at home from April 2020 to April 2021. The results show that the transformation of IoT and social media has had a significant impact on children's education in social interaction, owing to their interactive nature. Thus, IoT and social media can evolve into additional artefacts that act as mediators in the post-millennial generation, rather than as a form of culture. When social media and online games are introduced into a child's environment, it has been demonstrated that they mediate their conceptualization of learning and cognitive development, among other agents through the interactions between teachers, children, and technology, children conceptualize higher mental functions such as continuous and ongoing problem-solving dispositions, as well as language acquisition and social learning. The effect of technology on human interaction results in the transformation of social functions into individual mental functions, a process facilitated by modern technology.


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How to Cite

Mariati, P., Djazilan, S., Nafiah, N., & Hartatik, S. (2022). Before the pandemic and its impact to the future" about IoT and the transformation of children’s social education. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(2), 95–102.


