The Effectiveness of Teaching Materials with TEE Patterns in Improving Students' Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Attitudes


  • Lalu Sumardi Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram



Teaching materials with TEE patterns, critical thinking skills, scientific attitude, university students.


Critical thinking skills and scientific attitude are competencies that must be developed in 21st-century education. Quality and compatible teaching materials are one of the most economical and practical instruments. This study aims to obtain a valid and effective Pancasila and Civic Education teaching material design to improve students' critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes. The materials developed are with the TEE pattern (T = Task, E = Explanation, E = Evaluation). The development followed ten stages: a preliminary study, planning, developing drafts, validating drafts, revising drafts, first field trial, revising based on the results of the first field trial, second field trial, revising based on results of the second field trial, and disseminating teaching materials. In testing the validity and effectiveness of the product, the trial design used was a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest with a nonequivalent control group design. Data were collected using critical thinking test instruments and questionnaires and were analyzed using inferential statistical analysis (independent sample t-test). The research findings show that; (1) Pancasila and Civic Education teaching materials with TEE pattern are effective in improving students' critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes; (2) there are significant differences in critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes between research subjects in the experimental class and the control class. Based on these findings, using teaching materials with the TEE pattern can improve students' critical thinking skills and scientific attitudes.


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How to Cite

Sumardi, L. (2024). The Effectiveness of Teaching Materials with TEE Patterns in Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Attitudes. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(2), 184–191.