The development of quiz game learning media for Javanese script reading skills for fifth-grade elementary school students
media learning, reading skills, elementary school, javanese scriptAbstract
This study aims to describe the quiz game learning media development for the Javanese script reading skill for fifth-grade students at SD Mangkubumen Kidul, Laweyan Sub-district, Surakarta. This research was included in R & D (research and development) and reached the development stage. The subjects of this study were the fifth-grade students of SD Mangkubumen Kidul, totaling eight students. Sources of data came from students and teachers. Data collection techniques employed interviews and document analysis. The validation technique was carried out by material experts, media experts, and expert practitioners. The results of this product were in a good category, with the percentage of material experts of 88.54%, media experts of 98.75, and expert practitioners of 85.22%. The process of making learning media utilized Construct2 to build programs and Adobe Photoshop CS6 and CorelDRAW X5 to create graphic designs. The final result of this research is a quiz game learning media for Javanese script reading skills that can be accessed via a device or smartphone.
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