Analysis of the principal’s performance during COVID-19 pandemic: It’s impact on teacher’s performance
principal performance, teacher performance, teacher competences, school climateAbstract
This study aims to analyze the performance of school principals during the COVID-19 pandemic and analyze its influence on teacher performance. This study also aims to analyze the relationship between principals' performance, school climate, teacher competence, and teacher performance. The sample in this study was schoolteachers in Central Java. The sampling technique is purposive sampling. The research respondents were 200 public and private teachers consisting of elementary, junior high, and senior high school teachers. The data collection method used was questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed online via google forms. The data analysis method used was path analysis. The results showed that the principal's performance was in the good category in terms of five dimensions (managerial, supervision, entrepreneurship, social, and personality). The principal's performance significantly influences the teacher's performance. The principal's performance is also a significant determinant of school climate, although it has not been proven to significantly influence teacher competence. Other results indicate that school climate and teacher competence are significant determinants of teacher performance. School climate and teacher competence have a mediating role in the relationship between principal's performance and teacher performance.
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