Design and Effectiveness Augmented Reality of Greenhouse Effect Integration Model Physics Independent Learning


  • Firmanul Catur Wibowo Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Hadi Nasbey
  • Ubed Alizkan
  • Dina Rahmi Darman
  • Bayram Costu
  • Nur Jahan Ahmad
  • Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin



Augmented Reality, Greenhouse Effect, Integration, Model Physics Independent Learning


Augmented Reality (AR) can positively impact learning and provide authentic experiences in the form of simulations by increasing enthusiasm for learning and activities in the classroom. This research aims to develop the design and effectiveness of the Augmented Reality Greenhouse Effect (ARGE) Integration Model Physics Independent Learning (MPIL) and explore the results of the product and their application in physics learning. The ARGE application will be implemented in universities located in the central part of Indonesia in 2022 ARGE presents a simulation of learning tools to train lecturers and students with the implementation of AR technology, which aims to transfer real learning experiences to understand the concept of the Greenhouse Effect. The research method chosen in the ADDIE method was carried out on 127 students and integrated with MPIL. The number of these students participated in research, where they were divided into three student groups: (i) Semester 3 (N= 42), (ii) Semester 5 (N= 42), and (iii) Semester 7 (N= 43). After 12 weeks of lectures, most students stated a significant positive confirmation of ARGE implantation. These results revealed that the application of ARGE MPIL based on testing the effects of the product by students had excellent practicality in teaching in relevance with a percentage of 92.38%. Then the self-confidence aspect obtained a percentage of 94.29%, and the satisfaction aspect received a percentage of 97.14%. ARGE media developed integrated with MPIL has a positive impact on post-pandemic physics learning.


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How to Cite

Wibowo, F. C., Nasbey, H., Alizkan, U., Darman, D. R., Costu, B., Ahmad, N. J., & Bunyamin, M. A. H. (2024). Design and Effectiveness Augmented Reality of Greenhouse Effect Integration Model Physics Independent Learning. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 14(3), 134–145.


