Development of textbook integrated of metacognition, critical thinking, Islamic values, and character


  • Rizkia Suciati Malang State University, East Java, Indonesia
  • Abdul Gofur University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA, 628561562062, East Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Herawati Susilo Malang State University, 628123271741, East Java, Indonesia
  • Umie Lestari Malang State University, 6281334711836, East Java, Indonesia



Integrated textbook, metacognition, critical thinking, Islamic values, character


This study aims to develop an integrated textbook called “MERISKA” (an acronym of Metacognition, Critical Thinking, Islamic values, and Character in Indonesian). This integrated textbook MERISKA with content to practice metacognitive skills (include Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation in the learning process), critical thinking skills in form of questions (contains Interpretation, Analyze, Evaluation, Inference, Explanation, and Self-regulation), the content of Islamic values through “comparative-confirmation” integration techniques in form relationships between verses of the Qur'an or Hadith with biology concepts especially Cell and Molecular Biology, then finding an example of character (Akhlaq) from that relation. The development steps refer to the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). This approach is appropriate where each stage describes the process of compiling the MERISKA integrated textbook. The results indicate that the integrated textbook MERISKA has required criteria of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The validation results show that the MERISKA textbook has an average validity value of 4.53 (very valid/high), the practicality results obtained an average score of 4.00 (by lecturers) and 4.53 (by students). Dissemination of product development is held through Webinar (Web seminar) series “Integration of Islam and Science”, and publication of the textbook MERISKA with ISBN. The development of the integrated textbook MERISKA certainly provides benefits for students and lecturers. Students are facilitated by the MERISKA textbook as a learning resource, while lecturers are helped to improve metacognitive skills, critical thinking, Islamic values, and character in the learning process.


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How to Cite

Rizkia Suciati, Abdul Gofur, Herawati Susilo, & Umie Lestari. (2022). Development of textbook integrated of metacognition, critical thinking, Islamic values, and character. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(4), 20–28.


