A Systematic Literature Review of STEM Education in Indonesia (2016-2021): Contribution to Improving Skills in 21st Century Learning
Indonesia, STEM Education, STEAM Education, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education is an alternative learning approach to construct 21st-century skills. It encourages the emergence of innovation to develop these skills. The systematic literature review of the study was modified from Sharif (2019) and Moher et al., (2019) with the article selection stages using PRISMA. The content analysis aimed to systematically analyze trends in STEM or STEAM education research in Indonesia using articles published in national and international journals. Based on the specified inclusion criteria, there were 63 articles collected analyzed using the Paper Classification Form (PCF) instrument adopted from Kizilaslan et al., (2012) with indicators including title, author, author nation, journal name, year publishing, journal type, language, index, principal discipline, research method, data collection, sample, and data analysis. The findings indicate that the dominant topic is learning strategies (57.0%) with experimental research methods (36.5%). The dominant integrated learning models are STEM-PjBL (30,2%), STEM-PBL (14,3%), and STEM-Inquiry (9,5%). The dominant implementation of STEM or STEAM education is in the secondary school level (34.0%) for science subjects. Critical thinking ability (18.4%), scientific literacy (18.4%), and learning outcomes (15.8%) are the dominant theme related to STEM or STEAM education. Thus, empirical research is needed on the potential of STEAM education to improve skills in 21st-century learning.
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