Implementation of interprofessional education learning model on Malaria disease for three departments in the Health Polytechnic of The Ministry of Health Jayapura




Interprofessional Education, Malaria, Vocational Education Students, problem solving learning, assessment


Interprofessional education (IPE) is a method that can support the collaboration of two or more health professions to create ideal teamwork. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of interprofessional education (IPE) in the learning process among three (3) departments of health professions in the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Jayapura. In this exploratory qualitative study, the data were collected from second and third-year students of health profession at The Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health, Jayapura. They were tasked with understanding the scenario of patients with malaria, they used the Maastricht seven jump method for PBL: (1) Clarify Concept, (2) Define Problem, (3) Discuss analyze a problem, (4) Identify Possible Explanation/ solution, (5) Set Task/ Learning Objective, (6) Research Solutions, (7) Synthesis Results/ Solution/ Reflect. Data collection is conducted with in-depth interviews and document analysis conducted on interprofessional education competencies. The fully transcribed data from both the process were thematically analyzed. The qualitative data analysis, showed there are gaps in the implementation of interprofessional education learning activities as well as commitments to the implementation of programs that are not adequate. The implementation of interprofessional education at the Jayapura Ministry of Health Polytechnic can be implemented by learning various problem-solving strategies.


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doi: 10.5688/ajpe8602




How to Cite

Azman, M. N. A., Rachman, N. ., KR Maay, J. ., Omar, R. ., & Rahayu, G. . (2022). Implementation of interprofessional education learning model on Malaria disease for three departments in the Health Polytechnic of The Ministry of Health Jayapura. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 12(4), 349–355.


