An activity-based practice for improving mathematical literacy and awareness of elementary school teacher candidates




Mathematical literacy, Elementary school teacher, Reflection


The aim of the study was to plan and implement teaching activities for the development of mathematical literacy and evaluate the reflective interviews of pre-service elementary school teachers on developing a mathematics activity for mathematical literacy. Accordingly, the study was conducted in embedded design, one of the mixed method research designs. The study group consisted of pre-service elementary school teachers. In the study, "mathematical literacy achievement test", "mathematical literacy awareness test", "reflective interview determination form", "planned teaching activities for developing mathematical literacy" were used as data collection tools. Based on study findings, it was concluded that the teaching activities designed for the development of mathematical literacy improved the mathematical literacy levels and awareness of the pre-service elementary school teachers. Cooperative learning, which is the basis of the teaching activity designed, was found to positively affect mathematical literacy related problem solving of pre-service elementary school teachers, their ability to create activities for mathematical literacy, their mathematical literacy achievement and awareness.


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How to Cite

Canbazoğlu, H. B., & Tarım, K. (2021). An activity-based practice for improving mathematical literacy and awareness of elementary school teacher candidates. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 10(4), 1183–1218.